Personal Assignment

This blog seeks to fulfill the following assignment:

Personal project: Mass Media and Me 

Students will assess the impact of mass media on their own lives. How have messages from the various media influenced your thought processes, habits, mode of dress, relationships, spiritual life, attitudes towards society and life? Trace these influences back to the various mass media sources. This assignment requires an introspective and honest look at yourself. Has media influenced you mostly negatively, positively or both? What do you need to change about your media consumption habits?

Of course this has scope for creativity. I do not require an autobiography, it is an analysis of mass media and your life. A few suggestions- you may include your favourite childhood cartoons that impacted you in some way for example, or ads that you can sing word for word that convinced you to buy or be loyal to a product. What news stories shocked you and changed your worldview? Which ones made you feel hopeful that all is not lost for humanity? Which programmes inspire/d you to make a change in your society? What mass media or mass media device can you not live without? Which do you consider all hype and no substance? Why? Which books/magazines do you love? Why are you so interested in them?
These are just guide questions. Do not use them as subheadings and just go through answering them one by one. Be creative, but be sure to use the concepts and theory we have discussed in class in your analysis.

The ‘journal’ should be equivalent to 5 to7 pages (no font size above 12 except for headings which shouldn’t be larger than font size 20, 1.5 spacing). Make sure the paper is well balanced between your analysis and the videos, graphics, pictures, articles etc you want to reference. Do not pad your paper with these external resources, thereby decreasing your analysis.

Be creative in your layout, make it vibrant, colourful and engaging- something YOU would pick up off a shelf to read. Ask for help if you need it, and do not wait until the last minute. To be submitted online.

The Influence of a Media Medium - "Television"

Since I rarely watch television, I  cant say how this has impacted my life. However,  when I do, I watch tv shows such as BET 106 and Park, Two and Half Men, Spartacus, The Big Bang Theory and The Game. The BET 106 and Park influences my dress as I watch it to see the hot fashion trends and also to find out the songs favored. Since I am an American citizen by birth I am captivated by all these hype happenings within the US.

The following are video clips of a few of my favorite TV shows:

 Trailer for Spartacus: Blood and Sand

 Promo Video for Two and Half Men

These TV shows I wouldn't say is constructive or educational in any way, but its just what I like. Television is somewhat influential but only if I allow it to be.

My New Hobby.... Photography...

Photography as defined by wikipedia as being "the art, science, and practice of creating pictures by recording radiation-sensitive medium, such as a photographic film, or electronic image sensors." The field of photography is very exciting and interesting as just about anything can be caught on camera in a very unusual and breath-taking way. I have recently been influenced by my friend's shots that I all saw via the internet. He is a professional at what he does and after seeing his shots I started researching on photography, the tools I needed to accomplish my tasks and photo shoot ideas. His portfolio can be seen here I have an inner crave for photography, as when I hold a camera I don't want to put it down. Another person that has influenced my photography hobby is Saleen Oliphant, he is an accomplished photography and well known in the field. He has been tutoring me since I have bought my a camera, a Nikon D3100. His shots can be seen at I have learnt a lot from my research and shots/pictures that I have seen in the newspaper, on the television, and other media mediums. The pics below are from my portfolio.

More pictures  from my portfolio can be seen at: and

Since I have started my photography, I have been contacted by various individuals to do photo shoots and much more jobs.

The Influence of a Media Medium - "Radio"

The radio and overall music is very influential, especially when I see the hot music videos and see what the popular recording artistes are wearing, doing each and everyday of their life. When I see whats hot and whats wearing nowadays, I have a tendency to want to dress, act and be as close as possible, but at the same time be unique. It may be hard to source these outfits, but I try to find fitting clothes or dress close to the style and depict the new term "swag", which means to look good. A famous song thats has been playing on all radio stations is the song by one of the most influential artist Vybz Kartel and his counterpart Russian - Straight Jeans and Fitted.

This song has slightly influenced my dress at the first few months it was playing a lot over the airwaves. As the song is talking mainly about wearing straight fitting jeans, fitted caps, white t-shirts, rosary chains and a G-shock watches. However, I do not own a G-Shock watch and I don't indulge in wearing jewelry.

As in pertains to dress, I like to be unique with what I wear, therefore, I don't wear the things everybody else is wearing, I create my own style and set a trend for other people to want to follow me, "I am a leader, not a follower".

News and its Impact on my Life.......

The news has become really sad since lately although it hasn't not really changed from the happenings of the past. Crime is still what it is 10 years and is only getting worse. One specific news that has really change my life is that about the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York. The video below shows the news report of the bombing of the twin towers:

My dream has always been to become a Commercial Pilot and after seeing this, it has not significantly changed my mind but has caused me at times to have second thought about my future in the field of aviation. Piloting is a wonderful and very interesting field. It is quite fitting of my character as I love to travel and experience new cultures and way of life.

The Influence of a Media Medium - "Internet"

The world wide web has all the information i need about anything. As it relates to how this medium has affected me, it has had a huge impact on my life because I am around my laptop and internet for the most part of my entire day. I am a big fan of music and fashion trends, so I have tendencies to do google searches on "whats hot in the fashion and music world". Common searches include "new male fashion trends", "what does drake wear", just to name a few or I visit the websites for the various name brands such as, Aeropostale, Hollister, Guess, Levi's etc.

Picture showing a model wearing a levis skinny jeans

 Picture showing myself wearing a Levis Skinny Jeans. 

Another tendency I have is that when I am surfing the internet and glimpse different articles on whats happening in the world of entertainment, I will find myself reading these articles. These articles usually have images of hip hop artistes. Their dress is one thing that always grasps my attention.

The internet has also showed me how to live my life. This medium has become than influential to my life. Via the internet I watch television, listen radio and watch all the latest movies.

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